Shareholder resolution Template: Structure and significance in the company

A shareholder resolution is a binding decision recorded in writing that the shareholders of a GmbH make jointly. These resolutions reflect the will of the shareholders and define important strategic directions for the company, especially when it comes to far-reaching or risky decisions.

Such a resolution is necessary if measures are planned that exceed the powers of the management.

Examples include decisions on capital increases, amendments to the articles of association (§ 53 GmbHG) or the appointment of new managing directors.

The management has the task of implementing the resolutions of the shareholders and regularly reporting on how the resolved measures have been implemented. The shareholder resolution thus serves to determine the strategic course of the company and protect the interests of the shareholders.

The shareholder resolution serves to create legal clarity and ensure that all shareholders are involved in the decision-making processes. This documentation ensures commitment and traceability and provides a stable, legally secure basis in company law.
In the following, we will go through the components of the shareholder resolution step by step and explain the key elements that such a resolution should include.

What must be included in a shareholder resolution?

To understand the structure of a shareholders' resolution, let's look at a specific example:

Here, three shareholders (Mr. Schulz, Ms. Meier and Mr. Becker) of ABC Technik GmbH resolve at a shareholders' meeting to adopt the annual financial statements, carry forward the net loss for the year to new account and grant discharge to the managing directors for the financial year. A fourth shareholder, Ms. Müller, is ill and cannot attend the meeting.

The contents listed here are partly taken from a ContractHero template and have been partially modified for illustrative purposes. However, the original template can be used in its entirety as a sound basis for your own shareholder resolutions.

Example of a shareholder resolution Template for business expansion

Subject: Shareholder resolution to expand the business operations of ABC Technik GmbH

Place, Date: Berlin, October 15, 20XX

Explanation: The place and date of the meeting are recorded in order to document the time and place of the resolution. This information is important for legal traceability.

Commercial register number: HRB 123456

Explanation: The commercial register number (HRB number) is the individual number under which the GmbH is entered in the commercial register. This information ensures that the resolution can be clearly assigned to the company.

Shareholders present:

  1. Mr. Max Schulz
  2. Mrs. Anna Meier
  3. Mr. Karl Becker
  4. (Ms. Lisa Müller is absent due to illness)

Explanation: The list of shareholders present shows who attended the meeting and who may have been absent. The absence of shareholders (e.g. Ms. Müller) is also documented to ensure complete transparency.


We hereby declare as shareholders of ABC Technik GmbH with its registered office in Berlin, registered in the Commercial Register of the Berlin-Charlottenburg Local Court, HRB 223237 B, at the proposal of the management what follows or vote on the following resolution motions as follows:

  1. The annual financial statements as at December 31, 20XX with a balance sheet total of EUR XXX and a net loss for the year of EUR XXX are adopted.
  2. The result is carried forward in full to new account.
  3. The actions of the Managing Directors are approved for the 20XX financial year.


Explanation: The content of the resolution is the core of the shareholder resolution. This is where it is clearly and precisely formulated what exactly has been decided. Precise wording avoids ambiguities and room for interpretation and ensures that the instructions for implementation are clear and unambiguous.

In principle, shareholder resolutions can be passed largely freely, which gives the shareholders a great deal of freedom to make decisions. However, there are some restrictions: Resolutions may not violate mandatory statutory provisions or the articles of association . Resolutions that fundamentally change the nature of the GmbH or are immoral are also inadmissible, as are those that must be notarized without this being done.


Signatures of the shareholders present:

___________________________ (Max Schulz)

___________________________ (Anna Meier)

___________________________ (Karl Becker)

Explanation: Shareholder resolutions are generally passed at meetings, which can take place either in person, by telephone or via video communication. The signatures of the shareholders present confirm their approval of the resolution and make it legally binding. They also serve as confirmation of the documented content.

As you can see, the shareholder resolution is not a particularly complex document. However, there are a few things to bear in mind: 

In order to ensure the effectiveness and legal validity of a shareholder resolution, it is crucial that certain formal components are included. One example is the authorization to vote in absentia or compliance with § 48 para. 1 GmbHG, which describes the conditions under which resolutions do not necessarily have to be passed at shareholders' meetings. You can find out exactly what needs to be observed below.

Procedure and implementation of a shareholder resolution

A shareholder resolution follows a fixed procedure with specific requirements and options, depending on the topic and articles of association.

1. convocation and invitation:
A shareholders' meeting is usually convened annually, but may be held extraordinarily if urgent matters arise. The invitation must be issued in due time and in the prescribed form, with clear information on the items to be resolved and the procedure to be followed in order to ensure a quorum.

Alternatively, a written circulation procedure can be used in which the shareholders give their consent in writing and without a physical meeting. This procedure is possible if all shareholders agree to it and their consent is provided in text form.

2. voting methods and special procedures:
Votes are taken by a show of hands, in writing or by circulation. A combined resolution procedure consists of some shareholders voting at the meeting and others voting in writing. Voting may be prohibited in the event of conflicts of interest. The transfer of voting rights to proxies is only possible if this is expressly permitted in the articles of association. This requires a corresponding power of attorney.

Majority rules:
In most cases, a simple majority of votes cast applies. However, a qualified majority or unanimity is required for important resolutions, such as amendments to the articles of association or capital measures. The majority requirements are often based on the provisions of Section 47 (1) GmbHG.

3. documentation and minutes:
After the vote, the shareholder resolution is recorded in writing. The resolution itself is the legally relevant document and must be formulated clearly and precisely. The resolution is then signed by the shareholders present. This serves to confirm the approval and the legally binding nature of the resolution. In the case of a circulation procedure, the written consent of all shareholders in text form is sufficient. Additional minutes are recommended to record the result of the vote and the details of the vote for legal clarity.

4. deadlines and objections to shareholder resolutions:
Shareholders who do not agree with a resolution generally have a period of one month to object. They can contest the resolution within this period, unless the articles of association or the law provide for other deadlines.

If disagreements arise, various legal remedies are available to challenge resolutions or have them declared null and void if they violate statutory provisions or the articles of association. Frequently used legal remedies are the action for rescission, the action for annulment and the action for declaratory judgment. These steps ensure that the rights of the shareholders are safeguarded and that the legality of the resolutions can be reviewed in court.

Conclusion on the topic of shareholder resolution template

Ultimately, a shareholder resolution is a binding, written decision by the shareholders that is always required when strategic measures exceed the powers of the management. A proper procedure, precise documentation and the possibility of appeal are crucial for legal certainty and traceability.

With ContractHero, you can create and manage these resolutions efficiently: Templates can be easily retrieved and then customized as needed. The finished resolution can then be sent to the shareholders for electronic signature and stored securely in ContractHero. This makes it easy to find all resolutions at any time and ensures that the actions of the management comply with the resolutions that have been defined.

Try the template at ContractHero and experience the advantages of optimized documentation for yourself!

Sebastian Wengryn

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